

2016-11-03 02:22:18

    据外媒报道,近日,新西兰乳制品公司Lewis Road Creamery就与当地Whittaker's巧克力公司合作,推出了世界上首款巧克力黄油

  据报道,Lewis Road Creamery创始人彼得.库利纳内(Peter Cullinane)在某天的下午茶时间品尝法国糕点时灵机一动,心想可以将优质黄油和巧克力结合,做成抹酱。于是便开始尝试。
    Separately, butter and chocolate are equally wonderful, but put them together and get pure pleasure. The New Zealand-based Lewis Road Creamery partnered with fellow local company Whittaker's chocolate to create the world's first chocolate butter.
    Inspiration struck Lewis Road Creamery founder Peter Cullinane during an afternoon tea that included French pastries. “The French, who know a thing or two about butter, chocolate and pastries, have always had a soft spot for pain au chocolat and it got us thinking,” Cullinane said in statement. “What if we combined the world's best butter and best chocolate in an easy-to-spread blend that would be good with almost anything?”